On November 10th, Keith Armstrong presented at the University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand rounds lecture on Supporting Student Veterans on Campus and in the Community. Watch here
Webinar on Recognizing the Needs of Parents of Service Members, presented for the American Association for Medical Colleges on Nov. 15, 2013 as part of the Joining Forces Wellness Week, Washington, DC. Webinar given on behalf of the Center for Deployment Psychology. (Domenici)
November 11 Radio Interview with Keith Armstrong on Bill Martinez Live Listen here
Webinar Panel on We Serve Too: Engaging and Supporting Spouses, Parents and Significant Others, United We Serve Veterans and Military Families presented for the Corporation for National and Community Service on Oct 30, 2013 as part of the Veterans and Military Families Series, Washington, DC. Webinar panelist on behalf of the Center for Deployment Psychology. (Domenici)
VetSucess on Campus: Transitioning into Tomorrow. The City College of San Francisco VOP. Houston, Texas (Armstrong)
KCAA radio station interview on Courage After Fire for Parents of Service Members with Michelle Skeen (Armstrong)
September 16: Radio Interview on Military Mom Talk Radio on Courage After Fire for Parents of Service Members. (Best & Domenici) More info: http://militarymomtalkradio.com.
Mental Health Service in the Wake of War: Understanding and Addressing the Impact of War on Veterans and Their Families. Morrison Contemporary Families 2013, Trauma: Theory and Practice. Portland, OR. (Best)
Treating OEF/OIF/OND Couples with Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). National VA Family Therapy conference call (Armstrong)
Treating Couples. Guest lecturer at UCSF School of Nursing in San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Improving relationships: A Roadmap. Presentation given at City College of San Francisco Veterans Outreach Program Speaker Series (Armstrong)
City College of San Francisco Veterans Outreach Program presentation given to John Mayer and his associates, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF, OIF and OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given to VA and DoD social workers via a national webinar (Armstrong)
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy presentation given to the Intensive Family Therapy Seminar at University of California San Francisco, Langley Porter, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Striving for Institutional Culture Competency: A Reflective Discussion on Serving Filipino Veterans. Panel presentation given at San Francisco Veterans Affairs Grand Round, San Francisco, CA. (Armstrong)
Transitioning to School from the Military. Panel presentation given at City College, San Francisco Flex Day orientation, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
KQED television interview on the SFVA City College Veteran's Outreach Program (Armstrong)
KQED radio interview with Scott Shafer on "Older Veterans" (Armstrong)
Provided support to California Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event, Marines Memorial, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (Domenici & Bonar)
Managing Crisis Situations with Veterans: A Law Enforcement Program, Winchester, VA (Brim & Domenici)
Presentations on Rates of Psychological Health Problems in the US Military; Traumatic Brain Injury; Military Couples; and an Overview of Deployment-Related Sleep Problems, Star Behavioral Health Providers (SBHP) Program, Indianapolis, IN (Domenici)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Ft Gordon, GA (Domenici)
University Counseling Center Core Competency (UC4) Program: Veterans on Campus, University of Wilmington, NC (Bonar & Domenici)
Managing Crisis Situation with Veterans: A Law Enforcement Program, Los Angeles Police and Sheriff Departments, Los Angeles, CA (Nofziger & Domenici)
Abuse. Annual Northwest Peer Support Conference, Clackamas, OR (Best)
Keynote Speaker, In the Wake of Trauma: Understanding and Addressing the Impact of War, Violence and Disaster. NASW Oregon Chapter, Oregon Social Workers Conference, Portland, OR (Best)
Featured Speaker, Reintegration from the Veteran and Family Perspective. Oregon National Guard Reintegration Summit, Salem, OR (Best)
Helping Clients with PTSD and Trauma-related Disorders Navigate through Litigation. Multnomah Bar Association Continuing Legal Education. Portland, OR (Best)
Combating Critical Incident Stress: Predicting and Preventing PTSD and Alcohol Abuse. Annual Northwest Peer Support Conference, Clackamas, OR (Best)
Keynote Speaker, In the Wake of Trauma: Understanding and Addressing the Impact of War, Violence and Disaster. NASW Oregon Chapter, Oregon Social Workers Conference, Portland, OR (Best)
Home from War: Assisting Veterans and their Families Cope with the Impact of War. NASW Oregon Chapter, Oregon Social Workers Conference, Portland, OR (Best)
Reintegration from the Veteran and Family Perspective. Oregon National Guard Reintegration Summit, Salem, OR (Best)
Overcoming Barriers to Care for Returning Veterans: Expanding Services to the College Campus. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA (McCaslin, Armstrong, Ihle & Spangler)
Transitioning from the Military to School. Presentation and discussion given to Academy of Art students, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Transitioning to school from the military. Panel presentation given at the Academy of Art, San Francisco Flex Day orientation, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Transitioning to school from the military. Panel presentation given at City College, San Francisco Flex Day orientation, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Supervision on the front lines. Panel presentation given at the Society for Clinical Social Work, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Family Therapy at the VA. Presentation given at the American Family Therapy Academy, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong & Raitt)
What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder? Lecture given to San Francisco City College, English class, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Obtaining a Social Work Position at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Panel presentation given to University of California, Berkeley 2nd year graduate students in social welfare, Berkeley, CA (Armstrong)
Steering Committee member 2013 National Research Summit on Reserve Component Military Families, Ann Arbor, MI (Armstrong)
Provided Psychological support to California Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event, Marines Memorial, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Blacksburg, VA (Domenici)
Presentations on Military Culture and the Deployment Cycle and Deployment-Related Sleep Problems and Nightmares, New York State Social Work Association, NY (Domenici)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Tripler Army Medical Center, HI (Riggs & Domenici)
University Counseling Center Core Competency (UC4) Workshop: Counseling Veterans on Campus, Akron, OH (Parins & Domenici)
University Counseling Center Core Competency (UC4) Workshop: Counseling Veterans on Campus, West Virginia University, WV (Bonar and Domenici)
Managing Crisis Situation with Veterans: A Law Enforcement Program, Spotsylvania. VA (Furman & Domenici)
Critical Incidents from Every Angle. Presented at the Internal Affairs and Critical Incidents Seminar, sponsored by Labor Relations and Information System, Las Vegas, NV (Coviello, Best, Means, & Presby).
Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in First Responders. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD (Weiss, Haugen, Evces, Difede, Best, Nijdam & Gersons).
Stopping the Wheel of Trauma. Lewis and Clark College Continuing Education and Returning Veterans Project (Eichler & Best)
OEF/OIF/OND veterans: Are we doing enough to prevent suicide? Panel presentation given at Grand Rounds Department of Veterans Affairs, San Francisco. San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
The City College Veteran's Outreach Program. Presentation given at the University of California, Berkeley Veterans Transition class. Berkeley, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at Grand Rounds Department of Veterans Affairs, San Francisco. San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at NASW monthly meeting. San Rafael, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at Grand Rounds University of California, San Francisco. San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
The Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Veteran's Program on a College Campus. Panel presentation, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Panel presentation on Providing VA Services on a College Campus. National VA Mental Health Conference, Baltimore, MD (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at the Palo Alto VA Family Therapy conference, Palo Alto, CA (Armstrong)
Embedding VA Mental Health Services at a Community College. Presentation given at Northern California Institute for Research and Education (NCIRE) Brain at War conference, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given on Western Region Veterans Readjustment Counseling Center, Family Conference Call, Western United States (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND veterans and their partners. Presentation given at Santa Rosa Community Based Outpatient Clinic, Santa Rosa, CA (Armstrong)
City College San Francisco Veterans Outreach Program presentation given at the San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs TBI-PTSD Rounds San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at Westside Community Mental Health, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Courage After Fire: Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND veterans and their Partners. Grand rounds presentation given at the University of Buffalo, Department of Psychiatry, Buffalo, NY (Armstrong)
Courage After Fire: Assessing and Treating OEF/OIF/OND Veterans and their Partners. Presentation given at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Buffalo, NY (Armstrong)
Mental Health Issues Facing Returning Iraq and Afghanistan Student Veterans. Presentation made for St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA (Armstrong)
Treating Couples. Guest lecturer, UCSF School of Nursing. San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder? Lecture given to San Francisco City College, English class (Armstrong)
KCBS live interview on issues facing returning veterans (Armstrong)
Presentation on CCSF Veteran Outreach Program to Senator Barbara Boxer's staff at the Northern California Institute for Research and Education NCIRE) (Armstrong)
Presentation to NGO's and VA staff regarding City College Veteran Outreach Program, San Jose, CA (Armstrong)
Provided Psychological support to California Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event, Marines Memorial, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Presentation on Military Culture, the Deployment Cycle and Suicide, Howard University, Washington, DC (Domenici & Bowers)
Workshops on Depression and Suicide in the Military, Widener University, Chester, PA (Domenici)
Presentations for the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Honolulu, HI (Domenici)
Assessment of PTSD Workshop, Ft Belvoir, MD (Domenici)
Presentation for journalists covering trauma and war. Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma, Philadelphia, PA (Domenici)
Presentations for the 1-week course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Pittsburg, PA (Domenici)
Presentations on Traumatic Brain Injury and Deployment-Related Sleep Problems and Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (Domenici & Parins)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Edelweiss Lodge & Resort, Garmisch, Germany (Domenici)
Bonar, T. & Domenici, P. (2011). Counseling and Connecting with the Military Undergraduate: The Intersection of Military Service and University Life. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 25(3), 204-219.
Understanding and Managing the Impact of Critical Incidents. Invited Presentation. Oregon Peace Officers Association Annual Conference, Newport, OR (Best)
In the Wake of Violence: Understand and Managing the Impact of War and Trauma. Invited Presentation. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Mental Health Awareness and Resources Conference. El Paso, Texas (Best)
Understanding and Managing the Impact of Critical Incidents. Invited Presentation. US Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations Pacific Northwest Annual Law Enforcement Refresher Training. Clackamas, Oregon (Best)
UCSF School of Nursing presentation. San Francisco, CA (Armstrong, 2010)
Grand Rounds presentation, DVA Medical Center, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Blue Star Moms, Marin Chapter, Novato, CA meeting (Armstrong)
California Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event, Marines Memorial, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Etiology and Assessment of PTSD Presentation and Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan (Domenici & Brim)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Travis AFB, CA (Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Austin, TX (Domenici)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Portsmouth Navy Medical Center, VA (Domenici & Brim)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Fort Campbell, KY (Domenici)
University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare presentation, Berkeley, California (Armstrong)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy workshop, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, VA (Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Augusta, ME (Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, College Park, MD (Domenici)
John F Kennedy University presentation, Orinda, California. (Armstrong)
Napa County Mental Health presentation, Napa, California (Armstrong)
KTVU-2 interview, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
California Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event, Marines Memorial, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Live TV web cast via University of California TV presentation, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
KGO-7 interview, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
University of Southern Florida presentation on PTSD treatment, Tampa, FL (Domenici)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Workshop, Fort Gordon, GA (Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Oklahoma City, OK (Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, Seattle, WA (Domenici)
Vet Center presentation on wounded warriors and TBI, Baltimore, MD (Albert & Domenici)
Presentations at the 1-week Course, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, San Antonio, TX (Domenici)
Spouse Buzz: Normal Reintegration (Best)
National Association of Social Workers Kansas City Chapter, Kansas City, MO (Armstrong)
Lewis and Clark College Center for Continuing and Professional Studies, Portland, OR (Best)
St. Francis Hospital Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Blue Star Mom's East Bay Chapter meeting, Danville, CA (Armstrong)
Regional Veterans Readjustment Counseling Center Conference, Fairfield, CA (Armstrong)
Renaissance Male Project, July Brown Bag Lunch Audioteleconference (Armstrong)
Association of Healthcare Journalists, KQED, San Francisco, CA (Armstrong)
Soldier's Project Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA (Domenici)
California Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Los Angeles, CA (Armstrong)
The Marriage and Family Therapy Association, Monterey, CA (Armstrong)
4th Annual Stress, Violence, and Trauma Conference, Honolulu, HI (Best)